
基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发



近几年微信小程序的发展速度飞快,从张小龙在 2017 微信公开课 Pro 上发布小程序正式上线到目前为止,小程序已经覆盖了超过 200 个细分行业,服务超过 1000 亿人次用户,年交易增长超过 600%,创造超过 5000 亿的商业价值。

本实例将会通过微信小程序,在 Serverless 架构上实现一款基于人工智能的相册小工具,在保证基础相册功能(新建相册、删除相册、上传图片、查看图片、删除图片)的基础上,增加搜索功能,即用户上传图片之后,基于 Image Caption 技术自动对图片进行描述,实现 Image to Text 的过程,当用户进行搜索时,通过文本间的相似度返回给用户最贴近的图片。


基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发



基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发


其中注册功能的主要作用是,通过获取用户的唯一 Id(微信中的 OpenId),将用户信息存储到数据库中,之后的所有操作都需要根据该 Id 作为区分。相册功能主要包括相册添加、修改、删除以及查看等。图片功能包括图片上传功能、删除功能、查看功能。搜索功能主要是可以查看指定标签对应的图片列表,以及指定搜索内容对应的列表。当然这四个主要功能和模块是与前端关系紧密的部分,除此之外还有后端异步操作的两个模块,分别是图像压缩功能和图像描述功能。




基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发





基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发




基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发




基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发




基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发



基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发



初步了解 Serverless Cli

Serverless 架构具备按量付费、低成本运维、高效率开发等优点,可以帮助我们快速开发,快速迭代项目。而 Serverless Framework 则是一个非常高效的工具,其兼容了 AWS,google Cloud 以及腾讯云等多家厂商的 Serverless 架构,为开发者提供一个多云的开发者工具,若以腾讯云为例,其拥有 Plugin 和 Components 两个部分。

Plugin 和 Components 这两个部分可以说是各有千秋,具体操作大家可以参看官方说明,我在这里想列举几点:

综上所述,对比 Plugin 和 Components 各有优劣,我很期待产品策略能够将二者合并或者功能对齐。在本文,我选择了 Components 来做这个项目。


使用 Components 做项目,我遇到的第一个难题是配置文件怎么办?我有很多的配置,我难道要在每个函数中写一遍?

于是,我做了一个新的: serverless-global 。这是一个 Components 功能,用来满足全局变量的需求。


Conf:  component: "serverless-global"  inputs:    MySQL_host: gz-cdb-mytest.sql.tencentcdb.com    mysql_user: mytest    mysql_password: mytest    mysql_port: 62580    mysql_db: mytest    mini_program_App_id: mytest    mini_program_app_secret: mytest



Album_Login:  component: "@serverless/tencent-scf"  inputs:    name: Album_Login    codeUri: ./album/login    handler: index.main_handler    runtime: Python3.6    region: ap-shanghai    environment:      variables:        mysql_host: ${Conf.mysql_host}        mysql_port: ${Conf.mysql_port}        mysql_user: ${Conf.mysql_user}        mysql_password: ${Conf.mysql_password}        mysql_db: ${Conf.mysql_db}

利用这个功能就可以很轻松将配置信息统一提取到了一个地方。需要说明的是,为什么我要把一些配置信息放在环境变量,而不是统一放在一个配置文件中,因为环境变量在 SCF 中会真的打到环境中,也就是说,你可以直接取到,我个人觉得比每次创建实例读取一次配置文件性能要好一些,虽然性能优势有限,但是,我还是觉得这样做是比较优雅的。最主要的是,相比写到代码中和配置到单独的配置文件中,这样做可以将代码分享给别人,并更好的保护敏感信息。


基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发




 CREATE DATABASE `album`;CREATE TABLE `album`.`tags` ( `tid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `remark` TEXT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`tid`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `album`.`category` ( `cid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `sorted` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' , `user` INT NOT NULL , `remark` TEXT NULL , `publish` DATE NOT NULL , `area` VARCHAR(255) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`cid`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `album`.`users` ( `uid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `nickname` TEXT NOT NULL , `wechat` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `remark` TEXT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`uid`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `album`.`photo` ( `pid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `small` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `large` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `category` INT NOT NULL , `tags` VARCHAR(255) NULL , `remark` TEXT NULL , `creattime` DATE NOT NULL , `creatarea` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `user` INT NOT NULL ,  PRIMARY KEY (`pid`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;CREATE TABLE `album`.`photo_tags` ( `ptid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `tag` INT NOT NULL , `photo` INT NOT NULL , `remark` INT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`ptid`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; 



 ALTER TABLE `photo_tags` ADD CONSTRAINT `photo_tags_tags_alter` FOREIGN KEY (`tag`) REFERENCES `tags`(`tid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT; ALTER TABLE `photo_tags` ADD CONSTRAINT `photo_tags_photo_alter` FOREIGN KEY (`photo`) REFERENCES `photo`(`pid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT;ALTER TABLE `photo` ADD CONSTRAINT `photo_category_alter` FOREIGN KEY (`category`) REFERENCES `category`(`cid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT;ALTER TABLE `photo` ADD CONSTRAINT `photo_user_alter` FOREIGN KEY (`user`) REFERENCES `users`(`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT;ALTER TABLE `category` ADD CONSTRAINT `category_user_alter` FOREIGN KEY (`user`) REFERENCES `users`(`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT;ALTER TABLE `tags` ADD unique(`name`); 


接下来,开始写第一个函数——注册登录函数。因为这是一个小程序,所以注册登录实际上就是拿着用户的 openId 去数据库查查有没有信息,有信息的话,就执行登录,没有信息的话就 insert 一下。那么问题来了,如何连接数据库?之所以有这样的问题,是源自两个因素:


针对问题 1,我们来做一个实验,先在腾讯云云函数创建一个 test:

基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发





START RequestId: 4facbf59-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f Event RequestId: 4facbf59-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f 11111111 222222222  END RequestId: 4facbf59-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f Report RequestId: 4facbf59-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f Duration:1ms Memory:128MB MaxMemoryUsed:27.3164MB



START RequestId: 7aaf7921-3787-11ea-aba7-525400e4521d Event RequestId: 7aaf7921-3787-11ea-aba7-525400e4521d 222222222  END RequestId: 7aaf7921-3787-11ea-aba7-525400e4521d Report RequestId: 7aaf7921-3787-11ea-aba7-525400e4521d Duration:1ms Memory:128MB MaxMemoryUsed:27.1953MB



START RequestId: 742be57a-3787-11ea-b5c5-52540047de0f Event RequestId: 742be57a-3787-11ea-b5c5-52540047de0f 222222222  END RequestId: 742be57a-3787-11ea-b5c5-52540047de0f Report RequestId: 742be57a-3787-11ea-b5c5-52540047de0f Duration:1ms Memory:128MB MaxMemoryUsed:27.1953MB



START RequestId: 6faf934b-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f Event RequestId: 6faf934b-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f 222222222  END RequestId: 6faf934b-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f Report RequestId: 6faf934b-3787-11ea-8026-52540029942f Duration:1ms Memory:128MB MaxMemoryUsed:27.1953MB



所以,我们可以尝试这样写整个代码(login 为例)


# -*- coding: utf8 -*- import osimport pymysqlimport json connection = pymysql.connect(host=os.environ.get('mysql_host'),                             user="root",                             password=os.environ.get('mysql_password'),                             port=int(62580),                             db="mini_album",                             charset='utf8',                             cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor,                             autocommit=1) def getUserInfor(connection, wecaht):    try:        connection.ping(reconnect=True)        cursor = connection.cursor()        search_stmt = (            "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `wechat`=%s"        )        data = (wecaht)        cursor.execute(search_stmt, data)        cursor.close()        result = cursor.fetchall()        return len(result)    except Exception as e:        print("getUserInfor", e)        try:            cursor.close()        except:            pass        return False def addUseerInfor(connection, wecaht, nickname, remark):    try:        connection.ping(reconnect=True)        cursor = connection.cursor()        insert_stmt = (            "INSERT INTO users(wechat,nickname,remark) "            "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)"        )        data = (wecaht, nickname, remark)        cursor.execute(insert_stmt, data)        cursor.close()        connection.close()        return True    except Exception as e:        print(e)        try:            cursor.close()        except:            pass        return False  def main_handler(event, context):    print(event)    body = json.loads(event['body'])    wecaht = body['wechat']    nickname = body['nickname']    remark = str(body['remark'])     if getUserInfor(connection, wecaht) == 0:        if addUseerInfor(connection, wecaht, nickname, remark):            result = True        else:            result = False    else:        result = True     return {        "result": result    } 




# -*- coding: utf8 -*- import json try:    import returnCommon    from mysqlCommon import mysqlCommonexcept:    import common.testCommon     common.testCommon.setEnv()     import common.returnCommon as returnCommon    from common.mysqlCommon import mysqlCommon  mysql = mysqlCommon()  def main_handler(event, context):    try:        print(event)         body = json.loads(event['body'])         wecaht = body['wechat']        nickname = body['nickname']        remark = str(body['remark'])         if not wecaht:            return returnCommon.return_msg(True, "请使用微信小程序登陆本页面。")         if not mysql.getUserInfor(wecaht):            if not nickname:                return returnCommon.return_msg(True, "参数异常,请重试。")            if mysql.addUserInfor(wecaht, nickname, remark):                return returnCommon.return_msg(False, "注册成功")            return returnCommon.return_msg(True, "注册失败,请重试。")        return returnCommon.return_msg(False, "登录成功")    except Exception as e:        print(e)    return returnCommon.return_msg(True, "用户信息异常,请联系管理员处理") def test():    event = {        "requestContext": {            "serviceId": "service-f94sy04v",            "path": "/test/{path}",            "httpMethod": "POST",            "requestId": "c6af9ac6-7b61-11e6-9a41-93e8deadbeef",            "identity": {                "secretId": "abdcdxxxxxxxsdfs"            },            "sourceIp": "",            "stage": "release"        },        "headers": {            "Accept-Language": "en-US,en,cn",            "Accept": "text/html,application/xml,application/json",            "Host": "service-3ei3tii4-251000691.ap-guangzhou.apigateway.myqloud.com",            "User-Agent": "User Agent String"        },        "body": json.dumps({            "wechat": "12345",            "nickname": "test",            "remark": "",        }),        "pathParameters": {            "path": "value"        },        "queryStringParameters": {            "foo": "bar"        },        "headerParameters": {            "Refer": ""        },        "stageVariables": {            "stage": "release"        },        "path": "/test/value",        "queryString": {            "foo": "bar",            "bob": "alice"        },        "httpMethod": "POST"    }    print(main_handler(event, None))  if __name__ == "__main__":    test()



# -*- coding: utf8 -*- import osimport randomimport pymysqlimport datetime try:    import cosClientexcept:    import common.cosClient as cosClient  class mysqlCommon:    def __init__(self):        self.getConnection({            "host": os.environ.get('mysql_host'),            "user": os.environ.get('mysql_user'),            "port": int(os.environ.get('mysql_port')),            "db": os.environ.get('mysql_db'),            "password": os.environ.get('mysql_password')        })     def getConnection(self, conf):        self.connection = pymysql.connect(host=conf['host'],                                          user=conf['user'],                                          password=conf['password'],                                          port=int(conf['port']),                                          db=conf['db'],                                          charset='utf8',                                          cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor,                                          autocommit=1)     def doAction(self, stmt, data):        try:            self.connection.ping(reconnect=True)            cursor = self.connection.cursor()            cursor.execute(stmt, data)            result = cursor            cursor.close()            return result        except Exception as e:            print(e)            try:                cursor.close()            except:                pass            return False     def addUserInfor(self, wecaht, nickname, remark):        insert_stmt = (            "INSERT INTO users(wechat, nickname, remark) "            "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)"        )        data = (wecaht, nickname, remark)        result = self.doAction(insert_stmt, data)        return False if result == False else True       





try:    import cosClientexcept:    import common.cosClient as cosClient



def test():    event = {        "requestContext": {            "serviceId": "service-f94sy04v",            "path": "/test/{path}",            "httpMethod": "POST",            "requestId": "c6af9ac6-7b61-11e6-9a41-93e8deadbeef",            "identity": {                "secretId": "abdcdxxxxxxxsdfs"            },            "sourceIp": "",            "stage": "release"        },        "headers": {            "Accept-Language": "en-US,en,cn",            "Accept": "text/html,application/xml,application/json",            "Host": "service-3ei3tii4-251000691.ap-guangzhou.apigateway.myqloud.com",            "User-Agent": "User Agent String"        },        "body": json.dumps({            "wechat": "12345",            "nickname": "test",            "remark": "",        }),        "pathParameters": {            "path": "value"        },        "queryStringParameters": {            "foo": "bar"        },        "headerParameters": {            "Refer": ""        },        "stageVariables": {            "stage": "release"        },        "path": "/test/value",        "queryString": {            "foo": "bar",            "bob": "alice"        },        "httpMethod": "POST"    }    print(main_handler(event, None))



if __name__ == "__main__":    test()

这样,线上触发时会默认执行main_handler, 而本地执行,则会通过test走入main_handler,我们可以边开发,边测试,全部弄好之后再部署到线上。



# -*- coding: utf8 -*- import yamlimport os  def setEnv():    file = open("/Users/dfounderliu/Documents/code/AIAlbum/serverless.yaml", 'r', encoding="utf-8")    file_data = file.read()    file.close()     data = yaml.load(file_data)    for eveKey, eveValue in data['Conf']['inputs'].items():        print(eveKey, eveValue)        os.environ[eveKey] = str(eveValue) 


那么,Yaml 怎么写?

基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发




基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发



基于 Serverless Framework 的人工智能小程序开发




# 函数们的整体配置信息Conf:  component: "serverless-global"  inputs:    region: ap-shanghai    runtime: Python3.6    handler: index.main_handler    include_common: ./common    mysql_host: gz-c************************.com    mysql_user: root    mysql_password: S************************!    mysql_port: 6************************0    mysql_db: album    mini_program_app_id: asdsa************************dddd    mini_program_app_secret: fd340c4************************8744ee    tencent_secret_id: AKID1y************************l1q0kK    tencent_secret_key: cCoJ************************FZj5Oa    tencent_appid: 1256773370    cos_bucket: 'album-1256773370'    domain: album.0duzahn.com

由于我目前使用的是 Serverless Components,没有全局变量等,所以在此处增加了全局变量组件,在这里设置好全局变量,在之后的 Components 中可以直接引用,例如:


# 创建存储桶CosBucket:  component: '@serverless/tencent-website'  inputs:    code:      src: ./cos    region:  ${Conf.region}    bucketName: ${Conf.cos_bucket}


DEBUG ─ Resolving the template's static variables.  DEBUG ─ Collecting components from the template.  DEBUG ─ Downloading any NPM components found in the template.  DEBUG ─ Analyzing the template's components dependencies.  DEBUG ─ Creating the template's components graph.  DEBUG ─ Syncing template state.  DEBUG ─ Executing the template's components graph.  DEBUG ─ Starting API-Gateway deployment with name APIService in the ap-shanghai region     ... ...   DEBUG ─ Updating configure...   DEBUG ─ Created function Album_Get_Photo_Search successful  DEBUG ─ Setting tags for function Album_Get_Photo_Search  DEBUG ─ Creating trigger for function Album_Get_Photo_Search  DEBUG ─ Deployed function Album_Get_Photo_Search successful  DEBUG ─ Uploaded package successful /Users/dfounderliu/Documents/code/AIAlbum/.serverless/Album_Prediction.zip  DEBUG ─ Creating function Album_Prediction  DEBUG ─ Updating code...   DEBUG ─ Updating configure...   DEBUG ─ Created function Album_Prediction successful  DEBUG ─ Setting tags for function Album_Prediction  DEBUG ─ Creating trigger for function Album_Prediction  DEBUG ─ Trigger timer: timer not changed  DEBUG ─ Deployed function Album_Prediction successful   Conf:     region:                  ap-shanghai            ... ...            -         path:   /photo/delete        method: ANY        apiId:  api-g9u6r9wq      -         path:   /album/delete        method: ANY        apiId:  api-b4c4xrq8      -         path:   /album/add        method: ANY        apiId:  api-ml6q5koy   156s › APIService › done 

这个过程只用了 156s 就部署了所有函数,然后打开小程序的 id 带入miniProgram目录,并且填写自己的appid在文件project.config.json的第 17 行,同时也要配置自己项目的基础目录,就是 API 网关给我们返回的地址,写在app.js的第 10 行,此时项目就可以运行起来了。


本文中的例子是通过 Serverless 架构使用 Python 语言开发了一个微信小程序,这里面涉及到了数据库的增删改查,公共组件的提取,如何定义 Components 的全局变量,如何本地调试和线上触发二者兼得,以及在什么地方初始化数据库"性价比较高"。希望通过这样一个简单的例子,可以让 Serverless 在更多的领域都有实际的应用价值,可以给更多人灵感和启发:Serverless?万物都可以 Serverless 么?让我们一起来尝试更多 Serverless 架构的应用领域吧。

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